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Requires (Generics/Type Bounds)

Introduction to requires

Introduction to requires

The requires keyword in Helix enables powerful generics and type constraints. By explicitly defining what types or constraints are allowed, it ensures robust and reusable constructs. The requires keyword can be used in the following constructs:

Syntax Overview

Syntax Overview

The requires keyword introduces generic parameters, optionally constrained by types or conditional logic.

Grammar Reference

Grammar Reference
RequiresDecl ::= `requires` `<` ((`const`? Ident `:` Type) | Ident) (`,` ((`const` Ident `:` Type) | Ident))*? `>` TypeBoundDecl?
TypeBoundDecl ::= `if` BinaryExpr | PrimaryExpr

This grammar indicates:

  1. A requires clause defines one or more generic parameters.
  2. Parameters can optionally include:
    • const for constant values.
    • A constraint (: Type) specifying the expected type.
  3. A requires clause may optionally be followed by a TypeBoundDecl for additional type contracts/bounds logic using if.

Using requires in Constructs

Using requires in Constructs



You can attach the requires clause to a function definition after its signature to define generic functions:

fn max(a: T, b: T) -> T
requires <T> if T has Comparable {
return a > b ? a : b;
  • Explanation:
    • T is a generic type.
    • The function works only for types that implement the Comparable interface.
    • For more info on has, derives refer to Type System.

For a more generic function (without constraints), would only take the requires clause:

fn print_value(value: T)
requires <T> {
  • Explanation:
    • The function accepts any type T.



The requires clause enables generics for structs:

struct Container requires <T> {
let value: T;
  • Explanation:
    • Container holds a value of type T.
Adding Constraints to Structs
Adding Constraints to Structs
struct Box requires <T: Storable> {
let data: T;
  • Explanation:
    • T must be of type Storable.

If we want a slightly less strict constraint, we can use derives:

struct Box requires <T>
if T derives Storable {
let data: T;
  • Explanation:
    • T must derive from Storable. (OOP inheritance hierarchy)



Similar to structs, classes can use the requires clause for generics:

class Cache requires <K, V>
if K has Hashable {
let storage: map::<K, V>;
fn set(key: K, value: V) {, value);
  • Explanation:
    • K must be implement Hashable. Refer to Interfaces for more on how to define and implement interfaces.
    • V is a value type without additional constraints.



Operators can also use requires to generalize their behavior:

class Number {
let value: int = 0;
op - fn (self, b: T) -> T
requires <T> if T has Subtractable {
return self.value - b;
  • Explanation:
    • This generic operator works for any type T that supports the subtraction operator.

Type Definitions

Type Definitions

The requires clause can define generic type aliases:

type Pair requires <T, U> = (T, U); // tuple of two types
  • Explanation:
    • Pair is a generic type holding two related values.
    • Usage: let p: Pair::<int, string> = (10, "Helix");

Conditional Constraints

Conditional Constraints

Helix allows logical expressions in requires clauses to define more complex constraints.

Example: Logical Constraints

Example: Logical Constraints
fn validate(value: T) -> bool
requires <T> if T has Number || T has String {
return true;
  • Explanation:
    • The function accepts only numbers or strings.

Example: Combining Multiple Parameters

Example: Combining Multiple Parameters
struct Graph requires <N, E>
if N derives Node && E derives Edge {
let nodes: list::<N>;
let edges: list::<E>;
  • Explanation:
    • N and E are constrained to types deriving Node and Edge, respectively.

Type Bounds (Advanced)

Type Bounds (Advanced)

The if keyword in the requires clause allows you to specify type bounds for generic parameters. They can be any valid expression that evaluates to a boolean value. For example:

struct CheckType requires <T: const> {
static let is_const = true;
struct CheckType requires <T> {
static let is_const = false;
fn only_const()
requires <T> if CheckType::<T>::is_const {
// Do something
fn only_not_const()
requires <T> if !CheckType::<T>::is_const {
// Do something else
fn main() {
only_const::<const int>(); // Compiles
only_not_const::<int>(); // Compiles
// The following would not compile
only_const::<int>(); // error: no matching function
only_not_const::<const int>(); // error: no matching function
  • Explanation:
    • The CheckType struct has two overloads based on the T type being const or not.
    • The only_const function only works with const types since if a type thats const is passed it would call the first overload of CheckType that sets is_const to true.
    • The only_not_const function only works with non-const types since if a type thats not const is passed it would call the second overload of CheckType that sets is_const to false and negates it.

Checking the Type of a Generic outside the requires Clause

Checking the Type of a Generic outside the requires Clause

You can check the type of a generic parameter outside the requires clause using the has or derives operator:

fn to_string(value: T) -> string
requires <T> {
eval if T has String {
return value as string;
} else eval if T has Displayable {
} else {
return "Unknown";
  • Explanation:
    • The function converts the generic value to a string based on its type.
    • The eval if construct allows conditional logic based on the type of T.
    • At compile-time, the correct branch is chosen based on the type of T.
    • This is a powerful zero-cost abstraction that ensures type safety. While being as dynamic as python with types.

Refer to Type System for more about helix’s powerful type system.

Examples and Use Cases

Examples and Use Cases
fn min(a: T, b: T) -> T
requires <T> if T has Comparable {
return a if a < b else b;
fn main() {
let result = min(10, 20); // the types of T are inferred
print(result); // Outputs: 10

Common Errors and Pitfalls

Common Errors and Pitfalls
  • Ambiguous Constraints: Avoid ambiguous constraints that can lead to compile-time errors. For example:

    fn print_value(value: T)
    requires <T> {
    fn print_value(value: T)
    requires <T> if T has Displayable {
    • This would result in an ambiguous call error.
    • Since both functions take a generic, but the first function would be called for any type, and the second function would be called for any type that implements Displayable.
    • This would result in a compile-time error since the compiler wouldn’t know which function to call. As both functions are valid for a type that implements Displayable.
    • To fix this, you can either remove the first function or add a constraint to the first function that would make it more specific than the second function.
  • Overly Specific Constraints: Avoid constraints that are too specific and limit the reusability of your code. For example:

    struct Box requires <T: int> {
    let data: T;
    • This would limit the Box struct to only work with int’s and not any other type (even if it derives from int).
    • To fix this, you can remove the constraint or make it more general. Or add a type bound that would allow any type that derives from an int.



The requires keyword in Helix is a powerful tool for defining generic types and constraints. By specifying the expected types and conditions, you can ensure type safety and robustness in your code. Use requires in functions, structs, classes, operators, and type definitions to create reusable and flexible constructs.

